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Baking Cookies:
How-To's Make It Easy

Baking cookies is not hard, especially when you have an understanding of some basic cookie principles (or what The Elf likes to call “cookieology.”)

There are three practical kinds of cookie baking information to know to make cookie baking is as simple and easy as possible in your kitchen.

3 Kinds of Cookie Information

1. Cookie Ingredients

The more you understand the ingredients in a cookie recipe and how they behave, the easier and more enjoyable baking becomes. You begin to get a comfortable feel for cookie recipes that work well for you. (Find out the 4 basic cookie ingredients and additional ingredients that make each cookie recipe unique.)

2. Cookie Baking Gear

You don’t need the latest and greatest bake ware in order to bake cookies. In fact, The Elf is a firm believer in simplicity. One of the benefits of baking cookies is its universality. Cookies are fun to bake for nearly everyone (except for the worst grumbler.)  The process can be as simple as you like. So is the baking gear. (Learn basics about baking gear.)

3. How-Tos

The Elf’s tutorials, hints, and baking tips make it easy to measure, mix, bake, and store cookies.

Cookie Baking How-To's

Baking Cookies How-To's collage

Prior to the twentieth century, recipes were simply lists of items. In reading a recipe, it was assumed that you knew what to do with the ingredients. Those assumptions are no longer part of the public’s collective knowledge.

That is why this section of The Cookie Elf is dedicated to providing baking how-tos. Easy cookie recipes are helpful, especially when they are written in simple cookie language. (Pop over here for tips about how to read and follow a cookie recipe.) But even though today’s cookie recipes give a few more particulars than those in the past, every cookie baker likes clear instructions. Extra baking tips are really helpful, too!

Baking Cookies: How-To's for Different Kinds of Tasks

When baking you undertake different kinds of tasks. They are not complicated. With the right instructions and how-tos, they are really simple.

Task #1: Prepare cookie ingredients

These are steps you take to get ready to mix your dough, like softening the butter ahead of time and using the proper measuring cups and spoons for dry ingredients and wet ingredients.

Task #2: Mix cookie dough

Cream … blend … combine … beat …stir in … whisk … whip … what do they mean? How-tos and tutorials explain different recipe directions. (Hint from The Elf: they’re really not confusing at all if they are explained clearly.)

Task #3: Bake cookies

Collective baking knowledge says there is more to baking than simply slapping a pan in the oven. These how-tos explain how to prepare baking pans, how much dough to drop in a cookie, how to adjust your cookie recipe to accommodate for high altitude, and other valuable cookie baking know-how.

Task #4: Store cookies

Whether it is hints for cooling cookies, cutting them, or storing them, you can help keep your baked creations as fresh and neat as possible using clear guidelines.

The Elf's How-Tos for Mixing Cookies

How to read and follow a cookie recipe ...

How to modify cookie recipes ...

How to scoop cookie dough: 3 ways to try ...

How to measure dry ingredients ...

How to freeze cookies to use later ...

Chocolate Chip Cookie FAQs: baking tips for America's favorite cookie ...

Creaming butter and sugar: practical tips anyone can use ...

Different types of cookie recipes and how to classify them ...

How to spread cookie dough for bar cookies and layer cookies ...

Why chill cookie dough?

How to Make Christmas Cookie Icing (AKA Royal Icing) ...

The Elf's How-Tos for Baking

Baking terms to know  ...

Baking cookies at a high altitude ...

Cookie baking tips: The Elf's hints for best Christmas cookies ...

Different types of cookies: how to classify them ...

Tips for cutting bar cookies and brownies cleanly and evenly ...

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