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Baking Tips for Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

Use these baking tips for Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies and other cookie recipes that call for candy kisses, too! (And be sure to add your baking tips below.)

Tips for Making Kiss Cookie Dough

Baking tips for peanut butter kiss cookies and other kinds of cookie recipes that uses candy kisses. With The Cookie Elf.

Tip: Some bakers (aka cookie elves) complain that the cookie dough for kiss cookies gets too dry. If that is the case for you, there are a few tips you can try to take to alleviate that problem.

  • Measure dry ingredients carefully.
  • Add either 2 tablespoons of milk, an extra egg white, or ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to the recipe to alleviate dry texture.
  • Consider trying different peanut butter brands to get the moist texture and peanut butter flavor you prefer.

Tip: Get more consistently-formed cookies by chilling the cookie dough for 30 minutes before forming cookies.

Tips for Molding Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

Tip: To reduce mess when rolling ball-shaped cookies with your hands, moisten your hands with water first. You’ll prevent the dough from sticking to your hands.

Tip: Avoid rolling the dough and save even more mess by scooping dough with a melon baller or cookie scoop. Simply place the cookie’s flat side down on the cookies sheet!

Tip: Form balls which are 1 inch in diameter or less. Larger balls spread too much when baking.

Tip: Try baking the cookies in a miniature muffin pan to get consistent results with shape.

Tips for Using Candy Kisses in Cookies

Tip: Save time. Unwrap candy kisses while cookies are baking (not before) so they are ready to press into surfaces when the cookies come out of the oven. Better yet: get the kids to unwrap the kisses! (Have extras on hand. Some WILL get eaten in the process.)

Tip: If your kitchen is especially hot, unwrap the kisses ahead of time and keep them in freezer while the cookies bake.

Tip: Press candy kisses onto cookie surfaces AFTER baking so kisses don’t melt.

Tip: Let cookies cool and set for 10 minutes on the cookie tray before removing them to a wire rack. Otherwise, they lose their shape and may even break.

Tip: Keep kisses from melting and help them get firm fast after pressing them into the baked cookies when you set the entire completed cookie tray in the refrigerator until kisses and cookies are set.

Tip: If kisses fall off cookies after cooling and setting, reattach them with a dab of peanut butter.

Tip: Change the cookie flavor slightly by using dark chocolate candy kisses rather than milk chocolate candy kisses.

Tip: Substitute miniature peanut butter cups or chocolate candy stars for kisses. 

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