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Red Velvet Chip Cookies: Cake Mix Cookie Recipe

Red Velvet Chip Cookies are a variation of American red velvet cake, a chocolate-flavored classic typified by a unique deep red or red-brown color. Originally, red velvet cakes and confections were colored with boiled beet juice to retain moisture or red food coloring when beets were not available. Today, red velvet treats are becoming increasingly popular not just during the holiday season or Valentine’s Day, but in their own right for their distinctive color and rich, chewy flavor.

Red Velvet Chip Cookies with The Cookie Elf

These cookies are also a chocolate chip cookie recipe variation with chocolate-flavored dough combining with white chocolate chips.

Prep time: 15 minutes

Bake time: 7-10 minutes

Makes about 3 dozen cookies


1 box (16 ounces) red velvet cake mix

½ cup vegetable oil

2 tablespoons water

2 eggs

2 cups (12 ounce bag) white chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 375º F.

  2. Place cake mix, oil, water, and eggs in a medium mixing bowl. Use a large spoon to combine the ingredients by hand, scraping the bowl regularly. Mix until dough is well blended and the cake mix has been absorbed.

  3. Stir white chocolate chips into the dough.

  4. Form the dough into round, scant 1-inch balls in a consistent size, using a tiny scoop, small kitchen teaspoon, or a measuring teaspoon. Drop rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets, 2 inches apart.

  5. Bake cookies for 7-10 minutes, one baking sheet at a time, until cookies are set.  Do not overbake.

  6. Remove cookie sheets from the oven. Allow cookies to sit for 1 minute before using a spatula to transfer them to a wire rack. Cool completely.

  7. Store cookies in an airtight container using waxed paper or parchment paper to separate layers.

Special Baking Tips from The Elf

You can use any brand of Red Velvet cake mix to make Red Velvet Chip Cookies.

For softer, chewier cookies, bake on the low side of the recommended time. For crisper cookies, bake a few minutes longer.

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